i'm in the batcave, away from the slaughtering of gorillas and the imeldific platitudes, with the a/c on, "gilmore girls" on dvd, and completely spacing out with 2 caps of vitex and 3 of spirulina, whoo. it would almost be like normal, if i wasn't fully aware that the closest point of approach will be in, um, 40 minutes or so. rota and saipan have been slammed with the eyewall, and have been under it for several hours or so, according to east of the sun..., who is better at figuring doppler radar than i am. honestly, it looked like the eye was passing over saipan, from what i saw, but what do i know. i wish the radio dudes would stop saying chaba was moving away from guam, if the anticipated turn to the northwest happens when it happens. which it has not. it could still effing slam into us.

very volatile, this chaba.

so, usually during a typhoon, there are rituals. we usually pretend it's not happening. some people stock up on "typhoon food"--SPAM, junk food, buñuelos (fried donuts), beer--but we don't. we don't eat. maybe nibble. and the dogs aren't allowed to eat either, in case they need to poo or something. water, sure. i'll clean up pee, but no pooping in confined spaces, please! anyway, the minute all calms down, i feed them. the older ones are too nervous to eat, but the baby doesn't quite understand. and she's the poopiest of them all.

one of the strange fortunate misfortunes was that at 11.30pm last night, i found out that my folks' stand alone freezer's door had been ajar, for several days, from the looks of things. they are vacuum bag crazy, so it wasn't so bad cleaning it out. but i still threw away 6 giant garbage bags of stuff, which i took to the dump first thing. strangely fortunate, as i didn't find out about it during the typhoon, when i'd be stuck with stinky, rotting bags of food.

oh, yeah. definite surge in the mph-iness. cpu approaches.